Thursday, December 6, 2007

Something Else

Okay, so I've been thinking about the shit I stirred up over the selling thing. I know what went down, and I'm cool with it. Things are going to remain pretty much how they were, cept the guys are going to let me know if someones paid for me so I don't get ideas.

We've got a gig tonight, so I'm not going to be around much today. We're heading over to Cool's to wrap up practice on one of the new songs I wrote. Then I'll come back and change for the show.

If I sound a little down, it's just that I feel like life slapped me upside the head. Or I need more coffee.

I don't even feel like telling anyone to fuck off.


Renegade Evolution said...

glad things seem to have worked out.

Razor Mick said...

Hey Renegade.
Thanks. And thanks for not yelling at me for fucking up.