Saturday, December 1, 2007


So I kinda took Renegades advice and I went off on Digger and Horndog for selling me without my knowing.

I really went at them too. Kinda lost control of myself and was waving my arms and screaming.

Once I ran out of steam the guys made me sit down. Then they talked to me.

Seems that the selling thing was my idea one night. The guys tried to talk me out of it, but I insisted.

I just don't remember cause it was Spin's birthday and we were drinkin shots of tequila.

So, um, I don't know what to say except I fucked this one all up.


Renegade Evolution said...


well, i hope things work out.

Anonymous said...

If a friend came up with that idea while doing shots, when she was too drunk to even remember it, wouldn't you run it bye her later before doing it? What would be the hurry to do it right away? Were they in need of cash and afraid that you would change your mind when not drunk? Wtf.

Anonymous said...


I think that all of us have learned a lesson from this....

Don�t jump in until you have all the facts

Anon is right, cut a deal with the guys that they will not act on something until they talk to you the next day... please.

And I am taking a chance here... For the short time I have been reading her blog, Ren seems to really have her head together (I know I am dating myself with that phrase). She is someone that you might want to seek council from, from time to time, for she is wise beyond her years.


Razor Mick said...

Hey Ren.
Sorry I've been out of touch, but I'm kinda embarrassed about the whole thing.

I'm fucking up at this shitty hour cause I can't sleep.

ah well.

Razor Mick said...

Hey anon,
Don't know. Depends on the situation. Don't really want to tell you my business. but yeah, I needed cash.

Never gonna change my mind about fucking, so I don't see your point.

Razor Mick said...

Hi Outis,
You're right about that.
I took your advice and talked to the guys. They laughed at first, but I think I got the point across.

And I like Ren. I agree with you. I'd like to do that.

Anonymous said...

Razor, where the hell have you been? I'm about to call Digger on your sorry ass.