Monday, January 28, 2008


Hey folks, just had to fucking vent. Ya know???

So I got this day job at this bar we've played gigs at. I'm just there to wait tables for the lunch crowd. Figured it wouldn't be too bad. Don't have to get up too early, don't have to work too long. Still have my nights for the band.

What I didn't figure was that people are shits. Well, I knew there were shits out there all along, but man, I'm just trying to get your fucking lunch. And how fucking picky can you be about a $6.50 sandwich platter?

Tips? Like you're payin me for extra service? Tell you what, you keep that dollar, and I'll think about not spitting on your cheeseburger.

God damn, fucking son of a bitch!


Outis said...

So glad that you are back...

rant on!


Razor Mick said...

Hey Outis!
I live to rant.

Renegade Evolution said...

good to see you back, RM.

And yeah, food service SUCKS.

Razor Mick said...

Hey, check you out. You got brown hair again?

Renegade Evolution said...

nah, I still have white/blonde hair, that is a picture from the summer.

Natural, my hair is goth dead blue black :)

hexy said...

Ugh... I HATED hospitality work.

Good luck, chick.

Octogalore said...

It will get better.

Razor Mick said...

Hexyhex, ain't I getting a good look at that now!

Razor Mick said...

Octogalore, will it? I don't see that happening...

Not even close.