Friday, October 19, 2007

Bed Head

So I took a nap. What the fuck, I'd had a full day with waking up to the strange dude, and all. And don't give me shit cause I know there's usually someone wandering around my place that I don't know.

But I'm trying to get ready for a party tonight and my hair won't fucking cooperate. I should just shave my fucking head.

DO YOU GUYS EVEN LOOK THAT HIGH? I swear, it would take the band a week to notice if I did.

First Halloween party of the year!!! I am so cranked. I've got some coke, a little smoke and I'm all set.

Can you say PARTY!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

You riding with Digger or Cool?

Razor Mick said...

Curt, your name is showing.

You know I'll find you at Barton's.

Anonymous said...

Hey Curt. Razor, you've got dark brown hair, and yeah, we'll notice if you cut it off. What, you think you've got the only tits on the planet?

Razor Mick said...

Well hell Digger, I've got the only ones you haven't seen.