Saturday, October 20, 2007

Hell of a Day

Took it easy today. We usually practice on Sat., but our gig fell through for tonight so we all decided to take a day off. Did some shopping instead. If nothing else I've got some food in the fridge and plenty of beer.

Course I'm going out tonight. Haven't decided where yet. Danny suggested the Train Station, but whenever I go out with him we just get shitfaced and I end up coming home alone. Not that there's anything wrong with that, I just don't feel like it. Hell, how many good years do I have left to fuck? I want to get it all in now, ya know? Nothing like a stiff cock, an experienced tongue and a good set of hands.

Speaking of cock, I still need to get Spaz for "selling" me to guys. He thinks it's fucking hi-larious. That has GOT TO STOP.



Anonymous said...

Spaz didn't really sell you did he?

Anonymous said...

Spaz is always selling her Frick. It's like a hobby for him.

Razor Mick said...

Would you two shut up.