Friday, October 19, 2007

Party Time

Just finished the last set and I'm feeling like a gold. Danny brought a bottle of Dos Equis with him, and I think, between him and Spaz and me we've just about finished it off. I am so cranked.

We're heading over to Digger's in a couple of minutes. Moocher and Spin are still trying to pick up a couple of girls. I say they're wasting their time, but they don't listen to me none.

Fuck off Spaz.

Shit, you think the guy would have figured out that 200 no's means I ain't gonna fuck him.

Anyway, what was I saying? Fuck if I know. I'd bring you all along to the party, but that's the breaks.



Anonymous said...

"...but that's the breaks...."

Surely you meant to say:

"But them's the breaks"?

Razor Mick said...

Youse related to Scorpios?
You look funny, but if you're related to that bitch, get the fuck out of here.

Anonymous said...

Scorpios loves you girlfriend!

Razor Mick said...

Sorpios, you've got some kind of attitude that I'm not liking here. You want to fucking talk to me, just be fucking HUMAN.

Razor Mick said...

I aint into chicks Rhet. You're not a chick, are you?

Razor Mick said...

Have you been to her site? Gruesome.

Anonymous said...

Scorpios, you're one wild chick. What do you do?