Thursday, October 18, 2007

Get a Fucking Clue People

You think these people would know not to call me before noon. No matter how fucking rude I am to them, it doesn't get through their tiny, little pea-heads that I work until fucking two in the morning and the party for an hour or so after.

Either that, or find myself some dude and fuck his brains out.


Man, that took too much energy. Had a late night last night, then I couldn't get rid of Dave, or Doug, or whatever he went by. I finally had to spit on him to get the point across. GO HOME.

And you Horndog, you can kiss my ass for that stunt you pulled last night. Don't ever try to fix me up with a psycho again.


hellakellz said...

i feel you girlfriend.

Razor Mick said...

Hey hey. Nice ta meet ya Kelly.

Anonymous said...

I feel ya too, girlfriend.

Razor Mick said...

Hey Rhet, what the hell are you supposed to be?

Anonymous said...

A dicephalic vulvic irrigator.
What of it?

Razor Mick said...

Just wondering what kind of freak you were.

You into dope?

Anonymous said...

How ya doin Kelly, nice to see Razor making new friends.