Sunday, November 11, 2007


I started writing this at 11, so I guess that counts.
My father was a war buff. Told my brothers and me stories all the time. Maybe it's not something you should be raising your kids to, but he did alright by us. Got me to thinking that there's more of a war going on every day, then you read about in the news.

All I've got to say is, I hate fucking war. Dad say's they're necessary, and I won't go against the man, but still. Good people die. Wives and mothers die. Innocents die. Children die.

So for all of them, and for the men and women in uniform, here's my tribute:


Anonymous said...

This really you Mick? Tell me you're not ... mellowing out???

dale said...

sometimes they're necessary and sometimes they're not.

Razor Mick said...

Shut up Cindy.

Hi Dale, I hear you. I was thinking the same thing myself.