Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Home Sweet Home

So I don't always know what day it is. The guys let me know when we're practicing, or have a gig, so I don't have to fucking trouble with that.

But I do know I love my home, sweet home. I never know who I'm going to find here, and more often than not, it's someone I want to fuck.

How many of you can say that huh?

Take tonight. I came in around ten to change for drinks over at Moochers. And BAM, I run right into this guy coming out of my kitchen. Totally hot. Hell, we didn't even talk to each other, just started tearing off each other's clothes.

Fuck me, he was a wild ride.

Just saw him out the door and felt like telling all of you to FUCK OFF! I had me some GREAT FUCKING SEX and you're sitting at home fucking reading about it.

I'm talking to you Horndog.


Horndog said...

Mick, we just don't tell you about it.

Razor Mick said...

Yeah right CAL.

Anonymous said...

What does your fecking Site Meter tell you about me, ya cunt?

Razor Mick said...

Sorry Scorps, Got pissed off at it last night and deleted it. No sitemeter here.