Thursday, November 15, 2007

You Know you Want to

Cool and some of the other guys are picking up the tab tonight for Danny and Mischa's engagment party.

I found this funky little pin made up of watch guts as a gift for Mischa. I've never seen anything like it, and for some reason I really like it.

Digger asked all of us to play for free, and I reminded him I was a little short on rent money. For some fucking reason he just smiled at me, said "don't worry" and that was that.

Heading out in about five minutes. I'm dressed for success in a short skirt and T. Got my ankle boots with the clunky heels on, and I'm ready to ROCK.


Just saw the title of this post and I can't remember why I wrote it. HA!


Renegade Evolution said...

have fun! (like I need to tell ya that)

Razor Mick said...

Hey Renegade!
Had a blast last night. You should have seen the guy I met. Wahoo!